Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Mommy Friends

Before we moved away from Utah I was anxious. I was anxious to get here and meet my new friends. I just KNEW there would be friends and I couldn't wait to meet them. It isn't always easy getting out of my comfort zone and talking to people. It has helped that all the guys kinda became friends first and see eachother at school everyday and all day. Now they are at school and their wives are home getting to know eachother. ( I have to thank Christie for taking pictures, Yes I stole them from you :))

Kansas City has so many things to do. Two weeks after having Cooper I flew out here. I didn't know how I was going to manage going anywhere with out Landon and lugging both kids around. It's crazy how you just adapt. I didn't want to be the "mom" stuck at home all the time because she had a baby. So I just kept going places and "lugging" the 2 kids around with me. They don't have a choice and neither do I. That is, if I want to stay sane and not have "baby talk" all day long
P.S. Don't judge the white pasty legs. I was pregnant all summer and stayed inside.


  1. I love it when you and the other girls blog. I don't leave comments (sometimes I try) but I go back and reread and look at the pictures over and over. You amaze me.

  2. Julie, you are so wonderful. I enjoyed seeing landon come home a little a early. Kisses from me to your family!

  3. Haha. I have to take pictures or my old brain will forget what I did! You are welcome to steal them anytime!

  4. Makes me chocked up. So grateful to know you have nice people surrounding you and your family, and you are their support too. Love you guys

  5. Ooh so sweet! I am so glad you have found some wonderful friends there. How were you ever worried Jules?? You are oh so loveable and sweet! Love those white pastey legs! (Don't worry I have some too for the same reason!) ;) Miss you and love you guys!
