Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Emma's Testimony

Even though toddlers don't always act like they are listening, THEY ARE! When we are having family home evening and Emma is jumping around like a hyena, or going to church and she is stealing other kids treats and toys I don't think she is listening. Until....she points to any building with a steeple and says "Temple, mom and dad", points to the couch and says "Missionaries". On Sunday morning we watched a few short clips from Mormon Channel App., one being "Lessons I learned as a Boy"..... A few days later my mom gave Emma some coins to put in her piggy bank. When I asked Emma where her money went she started putting them into our shoes. It doesn't get any cuter than that, unless you think it is cute when she cries going to nursery. Although, she does talk about nursery all week long. Right now we have the snack bucket on our fridge for next week and she is constantly pointing to the box saying "Nursery Snack"
Even though she is the young age of two, she has a growing testimony.

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